Update Your Technoology Skills
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About Us

Learnatek is an online training provider that delivers high-quality technology courses to help you learn and improve your digital skills. The digital economy depends on people that can use critical thinking to solve problems and make decisions. Technology has changed almost every fabric of modern society. Knowledge of technology has become a prerequisite for many jobs. Our eLearning program is developed to suit individual and organizational strategies and culture to maximize eLearning success.


The goal of Learnatek is to support the workforce development and educational needs of the digital society through exceptional research to enhance training and skill acquisition for all. We aim to drive the transition into a digital society by providing byte-size video-based training materials that can fit into the learner’s existing schedules.


Our mission is to transform lives through learning by providing cost-effective, flexible, and personalized instructional training products and services to businesses, industry, individuals, life-long learning, and e-learning sectors.


Our vision is to provide learning resources and instructional materials for anyone anywhere and anytime.

Our instructors

Our instructors have several years of technology industry experience in many areas including software development, information security, customer support, and consulting. These teams deliver expert eLearning services that can be deployed online or onsite.